I Would Rather Fail…

Apr 15, 2014

Well, I figured it was about time to start up my blog. Ask any other photographer out there and they will tell you that it’s something every professional photographer should have…so, why have I waited so long?

I didn’t want my blog to be a place where I JUST showcased my photography work. I wanted it to be a place where I could actually BLOG…journal my thoughts and express my feelings and share my crazy adventures of life. Sometimes that can be a scary thing for me. To be an open book to the world…to be vulnerable with my fears and failures and to celebrate my victories. Starting up your own business was incredibly scary for me because you’re guaranteed to fail …A LOT before you finally succeed.

I would rather fail

It was no different for me. There were times in the beginning of my career where I would beg people to let me do a shoot with them just so I could have something to show in my portfolio and prove that I had what it takes. I didn’t have my own studio. I didn’t have the fancy equipment. All I had was a passion for photography, an eye for creativity and a willingness to make sacrifices and do the extra work.

So if you’re stopping by…client, fellow photographer, friend or stranger. Drop a note and say hello!  Or ask a question. Or just assure me that I’m not as crazy as I think I am by hoping to start a little online community where others can come to chat and share ideas.

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